Appointment Request
Schedule a visit with Dr. Z
Use the appointment request form to schedule your sessions with Dr. Z either at the office (Tuesdays and Thursdays) or by secure, fully encrypted telehealth sessions via online video (Mondays and Wednesdays).
Learn more about telehealth: it is secure, easy, and works with any of your current communication devices.
Attention! Dr. Z does NOT take medical insurance. Dr. Z is an out-of-network provider. A “superbill” for each session, which you can provide to your medical insurance for reimbursement or for application toward your deductible, is available upon request. You will be able to obtain reimbursement or application toward your deductible, provided your medical insurance coverage allows for out-of-network and includes mental health. Note that only psychotherapy (with diagnosis) is usually covered, and that counseling (e.g., couples counseling) is usually not covered by medical insurance. Check with your provider for details.