What about when I lose hope?
How do I keep trying, if I'm not succeeding?
1. Find a clear path. Being able to see how the steps you are taking will lead to desired change is critical to having hope. If you don't logically see how what you are doing can have a positive result, then carrying out the plan will likely be difficult. Read each step that you need to take to get where you want to be. Click here to ask for an explanation or clarification on how the steps can lead to the results you want.
2. Look for role models who have found solutions. There are many, many people who have overcome this type of adversity. Reading their stories and surrounding yourself with supportive messages and people can help you build hope.
3. Do what you know you can do. When you are in despair, taking one step that is out of your routine can help break the sense of powerlessness you have. Take a step you know you can do. Get into a situation where you know the symptoms are lessened and stay in that situation for a while. This can make a difference over time. Keep doing it, and then try to add more actions. Overcoming helplessness can build hope.
4. Perform an act of kindness. Doing acts of kindness can have a dramatic effect on your mood and outlook. Kindness triggers the release of serotonin, so it has an anti-depressant effect. It also calms stress and builds positiveness.
5. Work on serenity and on the acceptance that symptom reduction (and the breaking of bad subconscious habitual behaviors) will take time.You have the time. Make the time. Use it well.